Company Name (required)
Your Email (required)
Your Name (required)
Google Account ID
Phone Number
Website Address
Will you be using call tracking? YesNoNot Sure
If yes, what number:
Dedicated Landing Page YesNoNot Sure
Landing page URL:
Monthly PPC Budget (CDN)
Goal of your Campaign LeadsSalesCallsBrand AwarenessOther
Geographical Targets (where do you want your ads to show)? Contact your account manager if this needs to be more specific
Provide 4-5 Competitors
Provide 10 Keyword examples (be very specific and can be a phrase) Separate with commas
Any Specific incentives or Promotions
Describe your ideal customer(s).
What is your Unique Selling Point? How are you different from your competition?
Anything text to avoid (ie: free estimate)
List of your services or products Separate with commas
Anything else we should know?